Weekly Parsha Insights
Join us each week to listen to a collection of insights into the Parsha of the week.
We get into the substance and see how its relevant to our lives as we share observations and insights from the Meforshim.
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Weekly Parsha Insights
Lech Lecha- Did Avrom Fail With His Emuna?
Yossi Goldberg
Season 2
Episode 1
Sponsored לע''נ דינה בת יוסף
In this episode, we discuss the test of famine that Hashem gave Avrom upon his arrival in Eretz Canaan.
We explain the harsh words of the Ramban and see genuine relevance to our own lives as we seek to live with Emuna.
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For feedback, source sheets or to sponsor a Shiur, please email speechesbydesign@gmail.com