Weekly Parsha Insights
Join us each week to listen to a collection of insights into the Parsha of the week.
We get into the substance and see how its relevant to our lives as we share observations and insights from the Meforshim.
Feel free to be in touch with your feedback, suggestions or criticisms.
Email: office@binyanodom.co.uk
Podcasting since 2023 • 29 episodes
Weekly Parsha Insights
Latest Episodes
Parshas Shemos - What was the purpose of the suffering of Golus?
This episode has been sponsored לעי''נ ר' אפרים שלמה בן ר' יוסף ע''ה.In this episode we discuss what was achieved with Golus Mitzrayim and how the ends justified the means. We draw inspiration that is relevant to our challenges t...
Season 2
Episode 9
Parshas Veyechi 5785 - How to Have Emuna Whilst You Sleep
In this episode we explain the depth of a Medrash and point to the fundamental Emuna that is in the heart of every single Yid.Listen and be inspired!
Season 2
Episode 8
Parshas Vayeshev and Chanuka 5785: How Did Yosef Manage?
In this episode we bring out the secret to Yosef's strength in combating the Yetzer Hara and identify the lesson that is relevant to us.And we explain how this theme connects to Chanuka.Listen and be inspired!
Parshas Vayishlach – Yackov Avinu & Justifying Going to Work to Earn Money
In this episode we ask why Yackov Avinu was afraid of Esav.We explain why Yackov went to so much effort to prepare for war with Esav and what stark lesson in Emuna and Hishtadlus there is for us to takeaway. Listen and be ins...
Season 2
Episode 6
Parshas Vayetze 5785 - How the Impossible became Possible
Shiur has been dedicated לזכות Malka bas Simcha Rus that she should find her zivug bekorovIn this episode we bring out the incredible power of Leah’s Davening and what she achieved. We also gain encouragement from Yackov Avinu’s...
Season 2
Episode 5