Weekly Parsha Insights
Join us each week to listen to a collection of insights into the Parsha of the week.
We get into the substance and see how its relevant to our lives as we share observations and insights from the Meforshim.
Feel free to be in touch with your feedback, suggestions or criticisms.
Email: office@binyanodom.co.uk
34 episodes
Parshas Teruma & Chodesh Adar 5785: How does one increase Simcha?
In this episode we begin with an interesting aspect of the building of the Mishkan and move onto understanding the Gemara that when Adar comes in, one should increase Simcha.Listen to understand what type of Simcha is being referred to h...

Parshas Yisro 5785 - What was the point of Mamad Har Sini?
This episode has been kindly sponsored in honour of Nati and Zevi Bookman.This week we discuss what was the whole point of Mamad Har Sini, and the Aseres Hadibros.We are left with an inspirational message to take with us in our li...
Season 2
Episode 12

Parshas Beshalach - Was there a plan B?
This episode has been sponsored לעי''נ ר' אברהם בן ר' שלמה.We ask, what would have happened if Nachshon ben Aminodov would not have jumped into the Yam Suf? Did Hashem have a plan B?Listen and be inspired!
Season 2
Episode 11

Parshas Bo 5785: Never forget- all is NOT lost!
This episode has been sponsored לעי''נ גיטל בת ר' יוסף חיים ע''ה.We ask how was it possible that the Yidden were serving Avoda Zara after all the wonderous Makos that they had observed?We explain from the Meshech Chochma a treme...
Season 2
Episode 10

Parshas Va'era- 5 ways to win over the Yetzer Hara
This episode has been kindly sponsored לעי''נ הרב פסח אליהו בן ר' אברהם צבי זצ''לIn this episode we draw 5 lessons from Pharoh in terms of fighting the Yetzer Hara.Listen and be inspired!

Parshas Shemos - What was the purpose of the suffering of Golus?
This episode has been sponsored לעי''נ ר' אפרים שלמה בן ר' יוסף ע''ה.In this episode we discuss what was achieved with Golus Mitzrayim and how the ends justified the means. We draw inspiration that is relevant to our challenges t...
Season 2
Episode 9

Parshas Veyechi 5785 - How to Have Emuna Whilst You Sleep
In this episode we explain the depth of a Medrash and point to the fundamental Emuna that is in the heart of every single Yid.Listen and be inspired!
Season 2
Episode 8

Parshas Vayeshev and Chanuka 5785: How Did Yosef Manage?
In this episode we bring out the secret to Yosef's strength in combating the Yetzer Hara and identify the lesson that is relevant to us.And we explain how this theme connects to Chanuka.Listen and be inspired!

Parshas Vayishlach – Yackov Avinu & Justifying Going to Work to Earn Money
In this episode we ask why Yackov Avinu was afraid of Esav.We explain why Yackov went to so much effort to prepare for war with Esav and what stark lesson in Emuna and Hishtadlus there is for us to takeaway. Listen and be ins...
Season 2
Episode 6

Parshas Vayetze 5785 - How the Impossible became Possible
Shiur has been dedicated לזכות Malka bas Simcha Rus that she should find her zivug bekorovIn this episode we bring out the incredible power of Leah’s Davening and what she achieved. We also gain encouragement from Yackov Avinu’s...
Season 2
Episode 5

Parshas Toldos - Did Esav care or not? And what was Yitzchok's plan?
This Shiur has been kindly sponsored לזכות ולרפואה שלימה שאול שמחה בן גילה אסתרIn this episode we ask how come Esav didn't care to sell the Bechorah but did care to miss out on his father's Beracha?What was Yitzchok's p...
Season 2
Episode 4

Parshas Chaye Sorah- Shiduchim; how do they happen?
In this episode we discuss the value of Middos Tovos and explain an astonishing Meshech Chochma that turns the Parsha on its head.Listen and come away with a very powerful insight into Shiduchim, Emuna and how life works.Listen ...

Parshas Vayero - Is all Hope Ever Lost?
This Shiur has been sponsored לרפואת לאה בת פסל In this episode we ask why Hashem had to tell Avrohom in advance about the destruction of Sedom and we explain what Avrohom actually achieved with all of his Davening.W...

Lech Lecha- Did Avrom Fail With His Emuna?
Sponsored לע''נ דינה בת יוסףIn this episode, we discuss the test of famine that Hashem gave Avrom upon his arrival in Eretz Canaan.We explain the harsh words of the Ramban and see genuine relevance to our own lives as we ...
Season 2
Episode 1

Preparing for the Seder and Pesach
In this episode we showcase an approach to wholesome and affective preparation for Pesach and for Seder night.It's relevant to anyone who wants to gain from Pesach, whether they are hosting a Seder or not.Listen and feedback. Em...

Purim Day - What Are We Doing?
In this episode we uncover new depths of understanding into the Mitzvos Hayom of Purim.Listen to gain focus and insight into the meaning of Purim and learn how all the four main Mitzvos interconnect.To sponsor an episode or to f...

Purim- Why Get Drunk?
In this episode we draw from Halacha and Chazal to understand why drinking on Purim is so integral to the Purim experience.Listen to gain clarity around the Avodas Hayom of Purim and to be focused on what really matters.This epi...

Parshas Ki Sisa - Making some sense of the story of the Eigel
In this episode we reveal what Aaron Hakohen was thinking when he "helped" Klal Yisroel with the Eigel and we also get to grips with the underlying mistake Klal Yisroel made with the Eigel.Listen and discover a new way of looking at the...

Parshas Tetzaveh - The Secret of The Choshen
In this episode we explain the meaning behind the Choshen (and the Eifod) and the important Torah values it represent.Listen and be inspired.Please feedback by emailing office@binyanodom.co.uk

Parshas Teruma - What's the point of the Mishkan?
In this episode we ask why the Mishkan had to be built with volountery contributions and why did they have to be given with a full heart?We explain what the whole point of the Mishkan was and we reveal the most awesome Segula!To...

Parshas Mishpotim- From the theory to the practical
In this episode we attempt to understand the connection between Har Sini and Mishpotim and seek a new level of insight into the meaning of Rashi and Medroshim.Listen and be inspired!To leave feedback or to sponsor future episode...

Parshas Beshalach - Why Were Klal Yisroel Thirsty?
In this episode we discuss the thirst that Klal Yisroel suffered (twice) in the Midbar and we suggest what the purpose of that test was.As always, we try to humanise the Pesukim of the Torah and make the Parsha and its lessons, relatabl...

Parshas Bo - Was Golus Mitzrayim a success or a failure?
In this episode we ask how to understand that four fifths of Klal Yisroel died in Choshech and how come Klal Yisroel were on such a poor spiritual level at the end of Golus Mitzrayim.Listen and be surprised. Listen and be inspired!<...

Parshas Voera- Moshe Rabeynu wonders, "What was the plan?"
In this episode we breakdown what Moshe Rabeynu had originally thought was the plan for Geulas Mitzrayim. We probe the back-and-forth between Hashem and Moshe and explain what the actual plan was.We draw 2 powerful insights from this Pa...