Weekly Parsha Insights
Join us each week to listen to a collection of insights into the Parsha of the week.
We get into the substance and see how its relevant to our lives as we share observations and insights from the Meforshim.
Feel free to be in touch with your feedback, suggestions or criticisms.
Email: office@binyanodom.co.uk
Weekly Parsha Insights
Parshas Beshalach - Why Were Klal Yisroel Thirsty?
In this episode we discuss the thirst that Klal Yisroel suffered (twice) in the Midbar and we suggest what the purpose of that test was.
As always, we try to humanise the Pesukim of the Torah and make the Parsha and its lessons, relatable to us and to our lives.
Listen and be inspired!
To leave feedback or to sponsor future episodes - please email office@binyanodom.co.uk
For feedback, source sheets or to sponsor a Shiur, please email speechesbydesign@gmail.com